Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Nicholas Sutanto sent a picture of his baby's favorite toys. The largest square at the bottom and the small square to the top has been erected in the form of a tower.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Hugh Harkness was taken this photo at the Masseria in Anbrujha. The square frame wall photo proved to be absolutely perfect shoot.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Julie Millwater took this photo last month at an agricultural fair.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Jose Majhola sent this intersect of the Skewers picture taken from a camera Lomo LC.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Aman Agarwal sent the picture of his office in Harrogate, which is in the form of pyramids. The square frame is starting up. Square frames  and rectangular window that  individually each other  - an interesting geometric shapes.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Paul Begins sent a picture of lockers are made on the beach of the Greek island  ​​.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Karen Edward found this  bag on the place of table at the railway station and laughed. Was later this picture has been catched in his camera.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Peter Frith sent the picture of the square sweets, which he had taken in the past year, a food festival and erroneously understood her cube.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Steve Thompson sent this photograph of the man's shadow is divided into squares.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
Angela Backus took this picture at the  time of her daughter breakfast.

Reader pic square gallery - The world in Frameworks
This is flagging photo was taken Array William Gateshead side of the electrical poles in Ryton, 
