Health run picture gallery - Chic of Sixty

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
Gurgaon are trying to change thinking of life of the elderly in retirement . Their excitement felt beaten freshly youth when was race in the  names  'Miles To Go' attended by a large number of senior citizens.

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
Daily exercise individuals was inspired to stay away from diseases through the race.

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
During this the children who message through street plays take care of elderly individuals.

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
Dr. Neena Gupta who involved in running the people said that real life begins after sixty years.

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
In the program participant Mendra  indicate he was fond of playing the drums because lack of time he can not take it further. Now he's work with African drum group too hangout , where they have a feeling of being 16 years young.

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
Sita Tibagi Suri said that such events increases their morale and she wants it - kinda supposed to occur on short time intervals.

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
Organizing memorable moments captured by cameras on their mobile phone.

Health run picture gallery - Chic of  Sixty
During the program message through ballooning that good health is the key to happiness.
