Which has passed, is concerned 'today'.

There are pictures on the theme. The album's theme 'Manyuments' or 'memorial.' Jenny Leyland has sent this picture. She says, "This is the Berlin Holocaust Memorial. Passing time here, you can feel the horrific memories of past times are bad."

Casia Korjhenioska says, " I have taken this picture near Changej Khan's statue in  The Captial of Mangolia Ulan Bator.. There we were in the month of September last year and this is one of my favorite pictures."

Su Fitjhgerald says, "These photos of Luxor in Egypt 'Colossi of Memon’., We were traveling in a hot air balloon and landing on the floor we were waiting for. Visit us in the morning for that day had to go."

Paul Brennan says, "are memorable moments in Kiltimag of County Mayo in Ireland. While the picture was taken. Father and daughter grandparents near the grave."

Holly says that it is like the picture on the monument The monument 'was inside.

Lamyaa laval says "When I saw this scene, I could not do anything except that I should capture the moments in my camera lens. This is the definition of humanity is forced to question. "

Thomas Smith says, " In Manyument Valley my friend Graham, has became so happy that he just lay there."

David Bradbury says, "'I took this pictures while walking near The Lifeboat monument  St. Annes in Lancashire. Efforts to save a vessel of Germany in 1886 during the 27 sailors had lost their lives. These monuments same the sign.  

Erin Bowen says, "The person builds a monument with the desire that people will remember him. In Nevada desert every year the local community to build a temple temporarily and then burn it. 60 thousand people gather on the spot, to burn their past."

And the last picture of Robin Williams. This picture was taken in London's Trafalgar Square.
